The new Fjällräven shop on Wall Street in downtown Bend just upgraded its exterior wall .... and, I lost you because you're still trying to pronounce "Fjällräven", aren't you.


Begin with a typical ‘F’ sound as if you are saying ‘fee’.  The "j" is pronounced as ‘Y’ sound, as in ‘yell or y'all’. Roll your ‘R’ and say ‘rah’ and then ‘ven’.  Fee-yall-rah-ven. Fjällräven.


Let's start over. The new Fjällräven shop on Wall Street in downtown Bend just upgraded its exterior wall and flag signs to a dual media format featuring a solid oak backer on a powder-coated aluminum frame with metal can letters and logos.

The newly revised signs with the dual media format make a striking statement of their company name and logo against the masonry exterior of this historic storefront on Wall Street in downtown Bend. The team at MC Smith Signs worked in conjunction with SignsWest in Austin, Texas on the project to provide Fjällräven with a dramatic and unique look for their Bend, Oregon location.


The raised can letters and logo from the original sign were removed and reattached to the new powder-coated aluminum frame and solid oak backer. This is an outstanding representation of how dual media, the use of multiple materials and finishes, can greatly enhance the visual appearance of signage and draw attention to your brand name and logos.


Just another stunning example of how MC Smith Signs can help you define, perfect and present your brand.